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An exclusive Live Webinar
Communication & Burn in Mindset with Julia King Pool
What You'll Learn
Strategies on how to respond
Good things are happening your school! We'll discuss strategies on how to respond when teachers share that good news and how to shift small wins into positive school culture.
Download the Note-Taking Document
You can take lots of notes and be overwhelmed, or you can take a few notes and know exactly what you take away and how to take action from this webinar. Download my 4-Quadrant Notes here. Totally Free.
Three Symptoms of burnout and who doesn't get them
We'll dive into the research on which groups of teachers don't experience cynicism, emotional exhaustion, and self-doubt
Negativity Bias
An awareness of the negativity bias that predisposes us to notice the worst part of our day more than the best part of our day and what to do about it.
Savor in School
For some of you, kids are already back on campus, for others, we'll share techniques on how to savor the upcoming joy of bringing students back on campus.
About Jethro Jones
Most principals are busy running from one emergency to the next. As host of the Transformative Principal podcast and Transformative Leadership Summit, Jethro Jones helps principals find balance, time and effort to do the work that really matters: prepare our kids to be successful adults.
Jethro has interviewed over 300 thought leaders and shares the insight he has gleaned from them through the Transformative Principal Podcast.
About Julia King Pool
Julia Pool a former educator and founder of Burn-in Mindset, an organization focused on reducing teacher and leader burnout. The Burn-in Mindset coaching program works with high-performing teachers and school leaders and utilizes components of positive psychology to reignite educators’ passion for their work. Through one-on-one coaching, Burn-in Mindset helps schools retain their top talent, reduce symptoms of burnout, and increase teacher morale.